
Archive | Soups


Cauliflower soup with chorizo topping - courtesy of Good Food

New Starters for Christmas?

New Starters for Christmas? I can’t believe it is 29th November. Where has the year gone? For myself, too many trips to hospitals, but the realisation that Christmas is just around the corner comes as welcome relief. We will have nine people around our now highly polished old gateleg table, and I am really enjoying […]

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Curried Carrot Soup - Michael Caines - courtesy Country Life

Chilly Day Recipes

Chilly Day Recipes Waking up at 5.30am on a very chilly November morning, I stumbled out of bed, peered through my window and decided to return to bed. But I couldn’t sleep and my mind turned to thinking of chilly day recipes to warm us up on what looked a very grey and grimy day. […]

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Roasted Parsnip & Garlic Soup Recipe - courtesy of Donna Hay.

Roasted Parsnip & Garlic Soup Recipe.

Roasted Parsnip & Garlic Soup Recipe. After spending days cleaning the building dust off the downstairs of our house, then taking up a paintbrush and roller and turning our building site into a beautiful silver-grey room, I’m absolutely in need of nourishment and warm soup.  I find making soup relaxes me, almost as much as […]

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Butternut Squash Soup with Chilli & Creme Fraiche Courtesy Good Food

Soup Time: Butternut Squash Soup with Chilli & Creme Fraiche Recipe.

Our wonderful late summer days have suddenly deserted us, judging by the steady sound of the rain, thudding on our new extension rooftop just under our bedroom window.  Waking early, at 5.00am, I lay there, my mind racing as usual, then I thought “What shall we have for lunch today?” Remembering what a wonderful mix […]

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Jerusalem Artichoke Soup with Parsnip Crisps - courtesy Delicious

More Jerusalem Artichokes: Recipes & Tips.

The more I researched about Jerusalem Artichokes, the more I realised I ought to share some very important tips! In most culinary circles, I have discovered that Jerusalem Artichokes, with their smooth, interesting flavour,  are also known as …… close your eyes if you are of a delicate disposition …… ‘fartichokes’.   They have the ability to […]

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