
An Aaaarh in the Month for Kids

There’s an ‘R’ (spelled Aaaarh in Cornwall) in the month and that means us folk on the isles of Britain can once again feel safe to indulge our passion for Mussels from our shores. No, the French did not perfect the art of preparing them – that was snails, and even then they were Roman snails.

But, hey foodies, why not seize this month’s challenge and introduce Mussels to kids. There’s more to kidz-cuisine than pizza and this really simple Cornish recipe will be more appealing to young palates than the traditional acidic moules marineres (French, you’ll note) with white wine and garlic.

Here is the simplest recipe you will find on this site: Clean a bag of Mussels, throw them in a pan with a gulp of cider, heat for 3 to 4 minutes, throw away the ones that don’t open, splash a dollop of clotted cream in the pan and turn into a bowl with a sprinkle of chopped chives. Pretend to want them all for yourself and watch the kids dig in.

Our good friend and ace photographer, Mark Kensett tried this on his beautiful children and here are the results. 2 out of 3 ‘Aaaarhs’ and one ‘Errh’ (see final frame) which we think is a very good score.

So there it is – an Aaaarh in the month for kids as well as adults.

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