
Update on Jerusalem Artichokes.

I promised I would report back on how my Jerusalem Artichokes with Bay Leaves turned out.

Sauteed Jerusalem Artichokes with Garlic & Bay Leaves - Courtesy of Jamie Oliver

sharingourfoodadventures. com
Sauteed Jerusalem Artichokes with Garlic & Bay Leaves – Courtesy of Jamie Oliver

First, I chickened out – I decided to par-boil my Jerusalem Artichokes for a few minutes before I followed the Jamie Oliver recipe. This seemed to work, re: the ‘wind’ factor. Plus I had to add another good splash of the white-wine vinegar, as the artichokes took quite a lot longer to sweat in the pan to become tender. In fact, I also added a bit of white wine as well, to stop them drying out. But they were fun to eat in the end.

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2 Responses to Update on Jerusalem Artichokes.

  1. sylvie March 20, 2015 at 7:48 pm #

    Do you know that older they are, quicker they cook? It’s a trick my Nan thought me and it’s true, so I always wait for 1 or 2 weeks to cook my Jerusalem artichokes:)

  2. Astrid March 22, 2015 at 8:01 am #

    Hi Sylvie, thanks for that info on the Jerusalem artichokes. Your Nan is right, but I only found that out by accident when I left some in a bucket in the garage for a couple of weeks. I’m just abut to plant some more, as its a great vegetable to have at over the Christmas period and into early spring. Found loads more recipes which I’ll be writing up gradually.
    Regards, Astrid.

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