
Tag Archives | ginger

Jerusalem Artichoke Soup with Parsnip Crisps - courtesy Delicious

More Jerusalem Artichokes: Recipes & Tips.

The more I researched about Jerusalem Artichokes, the more I realised I ought to share some very important tips! In most culinary circles, I have discovered that Jerusalem Artichokes, with their smooth, interesting flavour,  are also known as …… close your eyes if you are of a delicate disposition …… ‘fartichokes’.   They have the ability to […]

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Beetroot Slaw - delicious & healthy

Beetroot Slaw Recipe

Another colourful, tasty and healthy side dish to eat with such as chicken kebabs, herbed chicken, lamb chops or even eat just on its own as a quick lunch.  This Beetroot Slaw Recipe is low in fat and only has 1g of sugar, so is right up there at the top in this year’s thinking […]

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